Much of March is Lent, a prep for Easter; the memorial of Christ’s saving action! It’s a time to renew our prayer life. The prayerful reading of scriptures should help us to hear God’s words to us. God wants to be in union with us. His union with us is to be able to love each of us more.
God’s love for us is outstanding! The more we realize even a little of that love, the greater our joy in life! Whenever we receive a gift, e.g. Christmas time, etc, we gain also a joy in our hearts. Together, God the Father and Christ, our Savior, and the Holy Spirit present us with many gifts of love, many times of helping us. Our hearts should be full of Thanksgiving.
As you purchase items through Amazon.com, please keep in mind the Amazon Smile program. To order, please go to the website smile.amazon.com and choose Share Foundation, Inc as your nonprofit of choice. By doing so, Sharing Meadows receives a portion of the profit from Amazon. Thank you!
Tax season is here! If you need a receipt of your 2020 contributions to Share Foundation as you gather information to file your income taxes, please call the office at (219) 778-2585 and we will be happy to send you one. We thank you for your support that has truly made a difference at the Share
Due to COVID-19, we have decided to turn our Spring Luncheon into a Fall Luncheon! Our current date is set for Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at the Halls of St. George in Schererville, IN. Stay tuned for more details regarding the luncheon later this year. Thank you for your support of this event!
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we have decided to cancel our St. Patrick’s Day Celebration. We hope to celebrate this day with you next year!
Hello, camp family! To register for a virtual mini-camp, information and registration can be found online at https://sharefoundation.org/camp-sharing-meadows/camp-registration-request/. Please join me virtually on Friday, March 26th, 2021 from 4:00-5:15 EST as I share how the Gospel is at work in Camp Sharing Meadows at the Notre Dame Catholic Social Tradition Conference. More information and registration can be found here: https://socialconcerns.nd.edu/justiceintheworld. Thank you!
The pandemic has caused a lot of disruption in our residential program at Sharing Meadows. One of the greatest disruptions has been the social life of the Villagers. We have a saying around here, “The Villagers have a better social life than us.” This is so true. Year round, they are invited to parties at local high schools, go to dances at the camps, and go bowling every Friday night. Out of all of the COVID-19 restrictions we have in place at Share Foundation, the Villagers not being able to leave the property much has been the most difficult.
On Christmas Day I was on the phone with my brother wishing him a Merry Christmas. He randomly mentioned, “You know what would be awesome? If you rented out the movie theater for the Villagers so they can see a movie!” I paused and thought to myself, what a brilliant idea! Thanks, Chris, for mentioning it!
The weekend of the Super Bowl, the Villagers were able to go on an outing to see the movie “Abominable!” We split the Villagers up by village to keep our pandemic protocol, and sent them to the movies! Right now, movie theaters allow you to rent out an entire theatre auditorium so that you and your family can safely watch a movie together outside of your home with a maximum of 20 people. For a price of around $100-$200, we can rent out the theatre in order to not only keep our Villagers safe from the outside world, but allow them to go out again and enjoy the social life that we have always promised them from the day they moved in.
They had so much fun being together again outside of the property of Sharing Meadows! I loved hearing about the popcorn they bought and all of the candy they consumed. It was a breath of fresh air and made things seem a little bit like normal. It was a nice reminder that while we may not be living in “normal times,” however we can still get creative in order to increase our friend’s quality of life.
Currently, we plan to have a movie outing once a month to allow the Villagers to get out of their homes and spend time with each other while doing something meaningful and enjoyable together. I am incredibly excited for this opportunity and my friends here at Share are even more so! You, our incredible supporters, make this opportunity for them. Your contributions give us the opportunity to bring joy to the lives of our friends. It is you, with your continued generosity, that allow us to treat our Villagers during these difficult times. THANK YOU!!
If you would like to sponsor their next movie, or maybe even some popcorn for them to enjoy, please send in your gift and in the memo of the check write, “Villager Movie.” Thank you, so much, for your support in helping us provide these outings for our Villagers and for allowing us to continue the dream.
Membership packets have been mailed out inviting you to renew your Father Blaney’s Friends Club or join for the first time! We invite you to become our friend by making the world a better place for our other-abled friends. Membership remains the same as last year, at least $40, and your membership will make a difference in the Villagers’ lives!
When this information comes in the mail, we ask that you would take a few minutes to look it over and prayerfully consider renewing your membership or beginning a new membership. In addition to receiving the monthly “Good News,” your name will be entered into a monthly drawing for one of three $100 gift certificates to share a meal with your friends at your favorite restaurant. Or, if you are the hidden winner and notify the office, you will receive a $40.00 check to cover the cost of your membership! If you did not receive a membership packet or if you need an additional one, please call the office at 219-778-2585 and we will be happy to send you one. Thank you for your consideration! Hidden Winner: Rose Parisi, Milwaukee, WI 53222
A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus
Most Merciful and Triune God,
We come to You in our weakness.
We come to You in our fear.
We come to You with trust.
For You alone are our hope.
We place before You the disease present in
our world.
We turn to You in our time of need.
Bring wisdom to doctors.
Give understanding to scientists.
Endow caregivers with compassion and
Bring healing to those who are ill.
Protect those who are most at risk.
Give comfort to those who have lost a
loved one.
Welcome those who have died into Your
Eternal Home.
Stabilize our communities.
Unite us in our compassion.
Remove all fear from our hearts.
Fill us with confidence in Your care.
(mention your particular concerns and
prayers now)
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Jesus, I trust in You.
Living Memorials
Marge Amatulli. Happy birthday to our sweet, loving, superwoman…our dear mother. You fill our hearts with happiness. We all love you to the moon and back. int. Your grateful family… Patte, Barry, John, Diana, Tyrie, Randy, Eunice
Prayers for June Anderson wife of Lloyd, who is in the hospital in Chicago. int. Denise Nowfel
Happy 90th birthday Mary Balestra, int. Carol Hus
Asking for God’s blessings for my friends, Bob & Carolyn Belcastor. They’re wonderful people, friendly, kind and generous. Bob has recently experienced a major health problem and really needs God’s blessings to help him through his situation, int. Mary Ann Buchler
May God bless the Marriage of Christy Beltz to Ward Jablonski March 5th, int. Donna Wacnik
March 17th, A day we pay tribute to the Patron Saint of the Irish, St. Patrick. Let us also on this day, pay tribute to another Irishman who may someday be known as St. Dennis Blaney. He has been loving, caring, giving, to God’s calling. A watcher of God’s Special Angels. What a special gift to all of us having him in our lives. Thank you Fr. Blaney. May we be blest to be with you in Heaven. int. With love from our hearts to yours, Mike and Sharon Mannion
Happy 90th birthday to Mom, Grandma, GG Rose (Gacsko). This is a day to celebrate your life and everything you mean to us! Your love has passed from heart to heart across the generations. All our love, int. Daughter Laura, Son Bob “Bummer” & Laurie, Grandchildren Nicole (Tyler), Gabriel (Jessica) & Nina and Great-grandchildren Isabelle, Annalise, Oaklin, And Elara
Birthday blessings to our dear friend, Rose Gacsko, int. John, Pauline & Jeff Vetroczky
Wishing God’s blessings to our good friends Suzanne and Skip Grasser, Flat Rock, NC, int. Pat & Mary Shafer
Sincerest sympathy to Kenneth & Joyce Hathaway on the passing of his mother Hilda Logan. int. John & Phyllis James
Wishing God’s blessings to our good friends Barb & John Hayden, Cedarburg, WI, int. Pat & Mary Shafer
Susan Itczak. You made it! Retire now and enjoy. Happy Birthday to my #1 daughter-in-law 2/20. God Bless and take care, int. Luv, Mom
God’s blessings for a successful recovery and good health for Lorry & Tony Lach, int. Carol Shelton
Just imagine if every just one person in this world that God so meticulously created, took the hand of another person and said “God loves you and so do I”, what a beautiful world this could be. So to our spouses, to our children and families, to our friends and Sharing Meadows families and angels, Mike and Sharon say to you “God loves you and we do too”. int. The Mannions
Good Health and God’s blessings for my husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, int. S.A.M.
May the good Lord be with Mary Kay & Lou, int. S.A.M.
God’s blessings for Erin O’Brien, int. Bob & Maureen Letz
God’s blessings on my brother Paul O’Gorek during his time of need. int. Helen & Bob J.
Thanking God for blessing us with our 50th wedding anniversary, int. Sam & Sherry Pezzuto
Birthday wishes for my brother-in-law Richard Pramuk on his 90th birthday March 19. int. Dorothy M. Borowski
Happy birthday Ron Prus April 12, int. Theresa Prus
To honor St. Rita, int. S. Tomaszewski
God’s blessings on the members of the Spradlin Family, int. Don Spradlin
Wishing God’s blessing to our good friends Joy Szopinski & Kathy Waters, Pewaukee, WI, int. Pat & Mary Shafer
Birthday blessings for Becca Tomich March 14 int. from her God Mother
In appreciation for healing hugs from Keith Van Sickle, int. Florence B. Strong
Wishing a happy and healthy 96th birthday to my dear wife Helene Doyle Wellman on February 19th, int. Jack
God’s blessings to Kathy Wronka for good health, int. Peggy Barringer
Joyce Zaner. May God’s precious hands hold you in his loving care as you go through your cancer treatments. int. much love, Mom & Dad
Deceased Memorials
Our mother, Dr. Virginia Andrews was a remarkable person! She was kind, loving, caring, warm, elegant, smart and beautiful inside & out! Mom devoted her life to her loving family. She had and incredible amount of lifelong friends and was always compassionate with all of her clients. We are so proud of our mother and are very blessed to be her children. All our love, Cindy, Mark, Scott, Melanie
In memory of Virginia Andrews, int. Adrienne Bakker Effie Hanes Rosalind Jack Chris Lauer Nancy LoDuca Jean Lubeckis John & Gloria Maricich Cathleen Massengale Marianne Miterko Lillian Smith Stanley & Christine Zimny
In loving memory of my husband Greg Arndt. It will be 5 years on March 2nd when the Lord gave you rest. Miss and love you each day, int. Louise
In memory of Ron Bailey, int. Rita Tuel
In memory of Lee & Jack Balousek, Sr. int. Jack & Kathi Balousek
In memory of Donnie Bednar, int. Jeannie Bednar Dawn & Joe Bobrowski Doreen & Ed Hernandez Deanna & Joe Johnston East Chicago K C Bingo Staff
In memory of Carl M. Blank, int. Rick & Rochelle Cantrell, Ed & Debbie Pilipaw, and Billy & Dawn Quillin and families
In memory of Mary & Mike Bogovich on your 75th wedding anniversary March 2, miss you both, int. Pauline & John Dergo
In memory of Walter Bolalek, int. Deb & Paul Furman
In memory of June Booker, int. Cathy Kutcka
Celebrating “two” birthdays on March 13th husband Joseph W. and son Joseph H. Brach. Gone from our sight but, not from our hearts! int. devoted wife Virginia, Walter and Susan.Prayers and big hugs XOX
In memory of Joe Brach and the F & G Orchestra of ʹ43. Int. Michalik Family
In memory of my dear friend George Brezene, int. Rose Gacsko
In memory of my husband Lawrence Budrik, int. Floriana Budrik
In memory of my brother Robert Buday, int. Floriana Budrik
In memory of Marian Bugajski, int. S.A.M.
Lovingly remember my mom Dorothy Bundy, int. Ed Bundy
In loving memory of my Beloved Wife Janette Bundy, int. Ed Bundy
In memory of Paul Burns, int. Robert & Roberta Beison
In memory of Margaret Chidester, int. Monica Yacko
In loving memory of my dear husbands, Roland V. Cline & Henry DeWulf. Love and miss them every day. int. Luella Cline DeWulf
In memory of my dear neighbor Theresa Codespoti. Peace be with you, int. Ann Marie Bogusz
In memory of Theresa Codespoti. A kind and caring woman who was a faithful supporter of the Spring Luncheon. int. Mike & Emogene Grant
In memory of Joseph & Theresa Codespoti, int. Michael & Deborah King
In memory of Theresa Codespoti, int. Joe & Donna Nicksic and Family
In honor of the memory of Theresa Codespoti, 1/5/2021, int. Her Saint John neighbors and friends
In loving memory of our beloved daughter, Nancy M. Coleman. You left us far too soon. Thank you for cherished memories. int. Love, Mom xo & Dad xo Jack & Judy Strisko
In memory of Nancy M. Coleman, int. Ed & Joann Bojda Bob & Therese Boskovich John & Mary Danko Gloria Dosen & Family Mary Jo Dybel Janice Hammond Nancy & Sue Hlebasko Ed & Mary Idras Laura Jaros Sue Kaminsky George Krillic Lenore Lazur Pat Lynn Georgene McNeil Bill, Gina, & Matt Mercer Barbara Michniewicz Andrea Orbik John & Susie Orlando Olga Papesh Judy Pitlik Maria Knazur-Poludniak Jim & Kathy Radloff Mike & Maryann Siorek
Deceased Memorials (Cont.)
In loving memory of Julie Ann Fish. Juls, we can’t believe you have been gone 4 months already, it seems like it was just yesterday we were wishing you a happy birthday. Now you have spent these past Holidays celebrating with Dad, Gram and all our deceased loved ones, what a celebration you must be having. You are missed more than you would ever have thought possible little sister…You will always be our Louie Lamb, and forever in our Hearts, int. Love, Hugs, and Kisses your family; Children; Jill, Jimmy, grandchildren; Nora, Hadley, Wyatt and bonus grands, Mom; Wanda, sisters; Vickie, Marsha, Debbie, Connie and all our families
In memory of Julie Fish, a beautiful sister of 5 sisters, that will be sorely missed by all. int. Steve & Sandy Furman
In memory of Brian Fitzpatrick. Brian was one of a kind! Our loss is heaven’s gain. We will miss him. int. Tim & Lisa Doody
In memory of Brian Fitzpatrick, int. Mary & Pete Adams Kathy Beenen Allison Bercik Kevin Fitzpatrick Meg Frehner Sheila Geoghegan Caitlin Mills-Groninger Joan & Leo Jacko Jane Laurincik Rich Miller Mike & Donna Pruzin Alice Sammon
In loving memory of my husband, Jim Folta, int. Ellen
In memory of Elaine – Jean Fraedrich, int. Helen & Bob J.
In memory of Michael Fromm, int. Gene & Judy Scheidt
Remembering & loving you Bob Gacsko on your birthday (3/23) in heaven, int. your loving family; wife Rose, daughter Laura, son Bob “Bummer” & Laurie, grandchildren Nicole (Tyler), Gabriel (Jessica) & Nina and great grandchildren Isabelle, Annalise, Oaklin and Elara
In memory of our friend Bob Gacsko, int. John, Pauline and Jeff Vetroczky
In memory of John Galinowski on Dad’s March birthday, int. Karen Galinowski
In loving memory of Larry, Shawn & Mike. You are always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers, int. Del Gallagher
In memory of Monica Garofalo, int. Julianne Collins
George I thank God every day for bringing you back into my life after 31 years, and I thank you for being my husband. God blessed you by taking you home to Heaven when you got sick. Miss you so very much, love you!
In loving memory of my dear son Joseph Goldasich Jr. on his 61st birthday March 23. Miss you more each day! int. Mom
In memory of Bryon Gregory on the anniversary of his death March 2, int. Joan
In memory of our Father, Jack Gregory on his March 6th birthday in heaven, int., Joan, Karen, Don, and Jack Gregory and families
In memory of Sean Gill, int. Caryl Ploski Ms. Joanne Sellis
In memory of Dorothy Gillespie, int. Westminster Village West Lafayette, IN
In loving memory of Joseph Giorgio, int. Ray and Anita Kozlowski
In memory of Jaclyn Santana Gonser, int. Jerome Pizarek
In memory of Tom Grant, loving brother and uncle, int. Mike & Emogene and Michael
In memory of Marjorie Haack, int. Sandi & Mike Stoffregen
In loving memory of Greg Hagenow on his birthday, Feb. 16 celebrating without. int. Love Mom (Sharon Hagenow)
Happy Valentine’s Day to our deceased sweet hearts: Phillip, Ruth, Joseph, and Greg Hagenow, know our hearts are with you. Keep us in your prayers that we may join you in due season. int. Love, Sharon, Steve, Andrew Hagenow, Theresa Noll, Jane Ranney and our families
In thanks giving, Ruth Hagenow in helping me find lost items (my own little St. Anthony), int. Gratefully, Mom
In memory of our dear Aunt Barbara Hancock, int. Mark & Laura Mondientz Edward & Jennifer Seal Judi Seal
In memory of Caroline Hattenberger, int. Steve & Shirl Bacztub Fred & Theresa Bildhauser
In memory of Joseph & Judy Hein, int. Lavern Hein
In memory of Larry Hine, a kind and compassionate man, int. Mike, Emogene and Michael
Happy Valentine’s Day to the newly reunited Eugene, Pat, & Timmy Homrich. Miss you all so so much, int. Love Susie & David
In loving memory of Dolly Hunnycutt, int. Ray and Anita Kozlowski
In loving memory of my sister Charlene Idzik, int. Ellen Folta
In loving memory of Augie Ignelzi, int. The Ignelzi Family
In memory of our sister Helen M. Jandura & our brother George Jandura, int. John & Betty Jandura
In memory of Marilyn Jarvis, int. Jim & Carolyn Shebish
In memory of Eugene Jasicki on his 94th birthday on March 8th. We wish you could celebrate your special day with us. Missing you everyday. int. Love, Marilyn, Sharon & Larry
In memory of Michael Kalmar, int. Mr. James Bohlen
In memory of Pauly Kamradt, int. Joe & Eileen Toth Bill & Henriette Wright
In loving memory to our neighbor, friend, family… J. D. Kassinger, int. Paul & Ruth Moon
John O. Kester. It has been 39 years since you entered Eternal Life with our Lord. I miss you every day. int. Therese loving sister
In memory of Paulette Klawitter. Until we meet again, dear friend, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. int. Mary Daly
In memory of Dexter Knapp. Int. Kathy Granzow
In loving memory of Sandy Kneller. I am so glad you came into my life, int. Ruth Moon
In memory of Emily Kolbus; My Dearest Emo, wishing you a blessed & happy 85th birthday on March 13th with our Dear Lord Jesus. I love you & miss you so very, very much! All my love, always, int. your Louie
In loving memory of our Mom and Dad Edna & Edwin Kozlowski, int. Ray & Anita
In memory of John F. Krawczyk. Happy birthday on March 3 rd! int. Loretta K.
Remembering Anthony Lach Sr. born on March 31st & Ann Lach left us on March 31st. They’re together again, int. Children
In memory of Lori K. Kreuger, int. MaryAnn Markovich and Rose Mary Markovich
In memory of Jean Krupa, int. Alice Gruszka
In memory of Caroline Kunz, int. Pam Berda
In loving memory of my wife Carol Muldoon Lambros, the sunshine of my life, int. husband Bill
In loving memory of my most beautiful Grand Daughter Molley Renee Lanham, int. Grandmother Leilanai Suchanuk
In memory of Grace L. Lantz, int. Jerome Pizarek
In memory of Bernice Ann Last, int. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Biegel Mary Daly
In loving memory of Bill & Charlene LaVelle, int. Dave & Pam Walker
In memory of Mike & Margaret Lazor, int. Lucy Lazor & Jim Sikora
Deceased Memorials (Cont.)
In loving memory of Kandee Leary, int. Dotty McLaughlin
In memory of Richard Lemos, int. Mary Daly
In memory of father Jack and brother Keith Lennon, int. Jane (Lennon) and Kim Thomas
In memory of Don Lowery, int. Pat McDonald
In memory of Audrey Lundeen, int. Thomas Janicki
In memory of Bob Luther, int. Eleanore & Rich Rycerz
In memory of Nat Mack, int. Ed & Sue Miller
In loving memory of my dear husband Dale Madsen and our Dad on His 80th birthday March 18, 2021. We miss you and love you. int. Marilynn, Mark and Melissa
In loving memory of Melanie Mailander, the number of years without you could never be greater than the number of ways I love you. Missing you always int. Aunt Denise
In memory of Gene Magiera, int. John Dubec
In memory of Mary “Theresa” Mang, int. Rich Miller The Mangs’
In memory of Robert Mantel, int. James Fisko, Paul Fisko and Sarah Bushong
In memory of Laurie Marck, int. Robin & Jim Garske
In memory of our sisters & brothers, int. S.A.M
In memory of our parents, int. S.A.M.
Lovingly remembering my beloved wife Phyllis McCampbell, int. Ralph J. McCampbell
In memory of Kenny Meier, int. S.A.M.
In loving memory of Mary Ann Merrion, our BFF. We miss you. int. Terese Fabbri and Ange Benz
In loving memory of Mary Ann Merrion, she was a dear friend. int. Sue & Milt Dabagia
In memory of Mary Ann Merrion. May she rest in peace, int. Tom & Sharon Keene
In memory of a dear friend. Mary Ann Merrion, int. Eula Faye
In loving memory of Mary Ann Merrion, int. Steve Weinstein & Gail Cooper
In memory of Mary Ann (McBreen) Merrion, int. Ange Benz Pat Burns Elizabeth Corcoran Tom & Shelley Dunleavy Terese Fabbri Sarah Haefner Marilyn Hawrylewicz Betty Hoeffner Mary Ann Johnson Marcelle Joseph Judy Kroczek Eden Lysaught Joan Mokrycki Elise Nothstine Carol Nolan Fischen O’Shea Joan Presser Olie Shover Kathy Smeets Jo Waller
In memory of our matriarch, Erma Zebell Meyers, on your first year in heaven 2/10/2020. We miss you every day. int. your loving family
In memory of the deceased members of the Meyers and Ransom Families, int. Sandra & Warren Ransom
In memory of my sister Melanie Michalak, int. Jim Sikora & Lucy Lazor
Remembering my husband Peter Michalak on his March 15th birthday, int. Rita
In loving memory of your 5th anniversary. Miss you mom Helen Miscko. int. Tom & Mary Sue Partin
In memory of Margaret Mizia, int. Charles & Lorraine Friend
In memory of my brother-in-law Bill Mrmich on his birthday 3/8, int. Micki Richter
In loving memory of Larry Mrozinski on his March 16th birthday, int. Mom
In memory of Marie Myres, int. David & Annette Halfman
In memory of Michael Nadaf, int. Douglas Mazurek & Nicole Azar Adele A. Danny
In memory of Rose Ann Nagy, int. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Nagy
In loving memory of Doris Neulieb, int. Sue Tomaszewski
In memory of Vanessa Newell, int. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Binkley
In memory of Susan & Her father Richard, int. Love Elaine Niegos
In loving memory of my dad, Eugene H. Nowak, int. Rev. David G. Nowak
In loving memory of my sister, Kathy Lynn Nowak, int. Rev. David G. Nowak
In memory of Irene Nowell, int. Betty Ball Beatrice Norris Martha J. Paluga
In honor of Uncle Stanley Oboy. You were a shining example of God’s love, peace & joy. I will always miss you and keep you in my heart. int. Love, Cheryl Bradford
In memory of Ed & Julie O’Gorek, int. Helen & Bob J.
In loving memory of David Opinker on his 12th year in heaven 2/11/2009- 2/11/2021, int. Mom & Dad
On her birthday, in loving memory of our Aunt Marge Ostrander, int. Ray and Anita
In memory of Phyllis Pads, int. Helen & Bob J. In memory of Juli Palmer, int. Thomas Janicki
In memory of DeWayne Palmer, int. Thomas Janicki
Eternal rest grant to our son-in-law Jeff Paschen who died Dec. 23, 2020. May he rest in peace. He was the best. Miss you and love you! int. Jim & Ann Miskovich
In loving memory of Jeff Paschen. God needed a special angel and chose you. We love and miss you, int. Nancy, Tommy and Danny
In memory of my son Ronnie Pasko. Happy birthday Ronnie it’s been 27 years since the Lord took you. In another 3 years you will be dead as long as alive. I pray daily your soul rest in peace. int. Love, Mom
In loving memory of our Mom and Dad, Josephine & Steve Pasztor, int. Ray & Anita
In memory of Paul “Gene” Paulson, int. James Sikora
In loving memory of Louis & Theresa Paunicka, int. Dolores Paunicka Callahan
In memory of Aurie Pedzinski. Happy birthday in Heaven! Thank you for your love and countless blessings. We will Owlways love you. int. Your Children, Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren and soon-to-be-great-grandchildren.
In memory of my mom, Anna Polak. Your daughter Mary is now with you. How Nice! int. Theresa Tucker
In loving memory of Glenn Poropat, int. Anita Kozlowski
In memory of al Pramuk seven years in heaven and his 94th birthday March 28. Love and miss you, int. Eileen, Children, Grandchildren and Great grandchildren
In memory of Lee Prendergast, int. Ray & Karen Kurcinka
In memory of my husband Dan Pyne, int. Maureen Pyne
In remembrance & loving memories of my mother, Mary Raczkowski and my brothers Edward and Walter, int. Loretta Kujawa
In memory of Anne M. Radde who died Dec. 17, 2020. int. Margaret M. Lane
Deceased Memorials (Cont.)
In memory of Anne M. Radde, int. Kurt & Cathy Matz
In memory of Curt Rak, int. Joel & Marcia Gorelick
In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Ramker, int. The Ramker Family
In memory of Jerry Ramusack, a BNHS’57 classmate. Deepest sympathy to wife Donna and family, int. Phyllis Raczkowski James
In memory of Paulette Redenbaugh. Paulette was in the church choir with us at St. John Bosco, int. Amy & Alex Saltanovitz, Jr.
In memory of William Allen Reed, int. Gerald & Dorothy Biller Robert W. Lasater Jim & Theresa Moore Mike Paniccia Karen Post
In loving memory of a wonderful husband, father and friend Drew Rhed, int. Ed & Sue Miller
In memory of Drew Rhed a wonderful husband and father who will be sorely missed by his family and friends. Love and prayers for your family. int. Patsy Ryan and family
In memory of Buel Robinson, int. Patricia Robinson
In memory of Randall Robinson, int. Dave & Marcia Havlin
In memory of David Rozmanich, int. S.A.M.
In memory of Gil & Jo Rudy. Mom & Dad miss you every day. I’m also thankful that you emphasized character, integrity and tolerance. Thank you for everything & lessons about life, int. love, LouAnn & Bob
In loving memory of Aunt Elaine Ruzbasan. May she rest in peace. int. John Yurechko family
In memory of Richard & Gloria Rudzinski, int. Leslie Price
In memory of Louis Ryba, int. Mr. & Mrs. Don Hudgens Lorraine Wojcik
In memory of our parents/grandparents Charles & Margaret Saddy, int. Love, Diane & Family
In memory of Amy Saya, int. Robert & Julie Hargarten
In memory of Richard & Lorraine Saya, int. Robert & Julie Hargarten
In loving memory of my Dad, Eugene Schell, on the February Day He left us 43 years ago. Int. Mary Ann Buchler
In memory of Shelly M. Schmidt, int. Steve & Shirl Bacztub
In memory of Shelly Schmidt. “Forever in my Heart”, int. Aunt Janice
In memory of Shelly Herbert Schmidt, int. Nancy Adrian Fred & Theresa Bildhauser Connie Gambill Julie Perring
In memory of my husband Ronald P. Schmitt, int. Love, Joann
In remembrance and loving memories of my husband and best friend Raymond Schoenfeld. Love & Miss you. int. Rose
Happy 40th anniversary to my husband David Sconce, int. Terry Sconce
Remembering my son Thomas M. Sedey for his birthday February 2, 1959, int. missing you with love, Mom
Remembering my son Thomas M. Sedey. It’s been 9 years on March 6, 2012 since you left us. Miss you & love you, int. Love Mom
In memory of my wife Florence Shaver, int. Bill Shaver
In loving memory of Aunt Mary & Uncle Chester Sikora, int. Ray and Anita
In memory of my parents Chester A. Sikora & Mary S. Sikora, and brothers, Martin Sikora and Sylvester Sikora, int. James A. Sikora & Lucy Lazor
In memory of Richard Simaga, int. James & Jean Shuba
In memory of my mother Anne Simms, int. Freddie
In memory of James “Jim” Simon D. Of D. 12-5-2020. “Rest in peace” my friend, int. Dolores Martin
In memory of my sister Florence Skurka, int. Love, Joann
In memory of Bill 6 years Feb. 15 and Greg 33 years on Feb. 13, int. wife & mom, Judy Snyder
In memory of Dan Sopczak, int. Nancy Reed
In memory of Louis P. Spychalski. To our friend who we loved like a part of our family, int. Dianne & Jeff Debald Dolores & Randy Waaso Julie & John Weaver Angeline Zdyb David & Melissa Zdyb Michael & Jean Zdyb
In memory of Louis P. Spychalski, int. Glenn & Kathy Lubeznik Jerome Pizarek
In memory of Donald Starks, int. William & Anne Franz
In loving memory of Marilyn and Tom Starr, int. Starr Girls and families
Our “Nana” Catherine (Tucker) Stierheim will be celebrating 35 years with our Lord March 20. int. Theresa Tucker family
In memory of Janet “Carol” Struble, int. JoAnn Phillips
In loving memory of Harry & Mary Szafranski, int. Dolores Paunicka Callahan
In memory of Uncle Alex Stzukowski, int. Jim Sikora & Lucy Lazor
In loving memory of my husband, Greg Szyndrowski, int. Vivian
In memory of Bob Thomas, int. Linda Moran
In memory of Barbara & James Thorstad, int. Richard & Joyce Dominoski
In loving memory of Ethel and George Tomaszewski, int. Rich, Sue, and families
In loving memory of Ken Tomaszewski, int. Rich, Sue, Matt, Beth and families
In loving memory of Ruth Topp on and sons Ken Jr. and Steven. Praying for you till we are all together, int. Ken
In memory of Mark, Elizabeth & Marybeth Trgovich, int. Judi
In memory of Alton “Tom” Tucker, int. God Daughter TerryAnn and friend Emma
Remembering Alton (Tom) Tucker on March 6. A great Husband, Dad, Pappa & now Great Pappa! It has been a tough year but we all trust in Jesus. int. Theresa Tucker & family
In memory of Raymond & Von Unger on their birthdays March 7, int. Judy Snyder
On her 10th anniversary in heaven, in loving memory of Bev Valag, int. Ray & Anita miss you girlfriend
In memory of John S. Valenti, int. Doris D. Janjecic Theresa Tucker
In memory of Geraldine Vician, int. Betty Skvarek Roy A. Vician
In memory of my husband Ronald “Doc” Wacnik, int. Donna Wacnik
In memory of Robert Ward, int. Jerome Pizarek
In memory of J. Waupsh, int. M. Waupsh
In memory of Joanne Anna White who cancer took way too soon. int. Chuck White
In memory of Joanne White, int. Ron & Carol Clindaniel
In memory of my Mary Whybrew of Michigan City, Indiana, widow of Eugene Whybrew. int. an old friend of theirs, age wise & time wise! Carol E. Davis
In memory of Dave Wiltfang, int. Mueller Family
In memory of Julia Zaborski. Mom, you left us on a cold and sunny day, quietly you slipped away. We will love you
forever & always you will live on in our Hearts. int. Love Karen & John Filter
In memory of Julie Zaborski. May Aunt Julie R.I.P., int. Tom & Carol Topor
In memory of Julie Zaborski, int. Mr. & Mrs. John Dubis
Kristi & Brady Harnishfeger
Richard Zak. Just thinking about you, and wishing you were here. It snowed
hard! Know how you liked to plow the driveway. Miss you lots. Int. Love, Jean,
Rich Jr., Mike, Larry, Tim, and families
In loving memory of my mom and dad, Lois & Al Ziemkowski, int. Mary Jo
In memory of John Zirzow, int. Theresa Seiler,
Betty McCullough and Sharon Wojciechowski
Frances Zolvinski.
Happy 98th birthday
in heaven. int. Matt & Therese, loving son & daughter-in-law
Stanley Zolvinski Jr. Happy 99th birthday in heaven. int. Matt & Therese, loving nephew & niece
Memorials are a special way to honor the memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion for ourselves, our family, or our friends. We are grateful for all memorial donations, large and small, that we receive. We would like to remind you that our policy is that thank you letters and acknowledgment cards are not sent for any memorials received that are less than $10.00 per name. They will be printed in the GOOD NEWS but no cards or letters will be sent. Due to the increasing cost of paper, postage and time to send cards and letters, it is not good stewardship to spend the donations you have entrusted to us to fill mailboxes with mail.
Memorial donations of $10.00 or more per name will continue to be handled with a thank you letter acknowledgment to family and listing in the newsletter. If you do not require a thank you letter, please mark the envelope so that we can code your account and we can save the cost of a letter and use the funds for our programs for other-abled people. Thank you for your understanding!
Just a friendly reminder that all memorials are due by the 15th of each month in order to be printed in the following month’s GOOD NEWS. For example, if you want to have a memorial printed in the April issue, your memorial needs to arrive in our office by March 15th . Share Foundation has a deadline to meet as well with our printer and if we do not have your memorial by the 15th of each month, your memorial will be delayed an additional month. Thank you for your understanding!
Carolyn Keegan
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Michael Mannion
Monticello, IN 47960
Carl & Melanie Pfister
Wallingford, CT 06492
Winners receive a $100 gift certificate to their favorite restaurant.
Our friends are the best in the world! CONGRATULATIONS!
Spring Virtual Mini Camps: March 20th, April 17th, May 15th
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner: Cancelled
Share Classic Golf Outing: Monday, June 21st, Long Beach Country Club, Long Beach, IN
Leprechaun Hunt: Sunday, August 1st, Details TBD
Spring/Fall Luncheon: 10:30 AM, October 20th, 2021 Halls of St. George, Schererville
Share Our Dreams Gala: 6:00 pm, November 5, 2021, Croatian Center, Merrillville, IN